Gojo Ten Shrine

In the reign of Emperor Kageyuki (around 110 AD), when Japan Takeshi passed through Ueno Oshigaoka for the conquest of Toyi, he was grateful for the blessings of the two Yakuzu pillars, and enshrined both gods. It is written in the Northern Country Travelogue of the Master Sakai Ehoshi as follows: "At the end of the New Year, I went to Sakai Shinobigaoka in Musashino and my name was Gojo Tenjin," and this New Year is said to be in the Muromachi period (the eighteenth year of civilization). Ōki Kimei is also known as the Lord of the Kingdom, and is the son of Susano, a god known in myths and fairy tales such as "The White Rabbit of Inaba" and "Daikoku-sama and the White Mouse". He is the son of the god of the gods of birth, and he arrives in the land of Izumo in a moth skin kimono and a boat made of bean seed pods. It was here that he first established a relationship with his brother and taught the people the art of medicine, how to heal diseases, how to make alcohol, etc., and he devoted himself to the development of the country. Sugawara Michishinko, who is enshrined in the Aiden, was enshrined in the eighteenth year of Kanei in the early Edo period. (Aiden means to be enshrined later.) ) Due to the expansion of the precincts of Kaneiji Temple, the shrine was relocated to the residence of the Shinto priest Segawa family at that time until the Taisho era, but it was relocated to the site in Showa 3. Our company has long been called "Gojo Tenjin" by enshrining the "God of Heaven", and is revered as a medicine ancestor god, and in May 22, a grand festival commemorating the 1900th anniversary of its founding was held, and it is one of the oldest shrines in Toto.