Tamagawa-ji Temple

Mt. Minobu Kanto Betsuin Tamagawa-ji Temple is located between the banks of the Tama River and the slopes of the plateau, and the main hall is located behind dozens of stone steps, which is rare in the city. On the left side is the base, the Kyo-do Hall, on the right side is the storehouse and the Shoin, and on the higher level, the Shinshoin and the three-tiered building faces the Tama River. The temple was built in Showa 7 as a temple of missionary work in the Kanto region by the head of the Koshu Minobusan Kuonji Temple, Mochizuki Johito. At that time (early Showa), the construction of temples and shrines was not allowed, so Myoryuji Temple in Nippori was relocated and newly opened as Minobusan Kanto Betsuin. From around Showa 15, it came to be called Tamagawa-ji. After World War II, the Dan family began to have a base, and it is said that the Dan family spanned the entire Kanto region. As for the treasures, there are majestic objects and royal plaques (rissho). (From Setagaya Shrine and Historical Site)