Ushitenjin Kitano Shrine
牛天神北野神社In the spring of the third year of Juei, at the time of the pursuit of the right admiral, Sir Minamoto Yoritomo, we tied the boat to the pine trees in the cove here and waited for the waves. In the meantime, he appeared in a dream on a god ox, and told Sir Yoritomo of two good fortunes, and entrusted him with the promise that after he had been satisfied with his fortunes, he should surely run a shrine and pay for it. Sir Yoritomo, when he wakes up from his dream, and looks beside him, sees a rock door and sees the god Kan in his dream, and he resembles a cow, and in the same year he was born, and in the following year he did not move, and he defeated the Heike and pacified the country, and as a reward for this, he solicited the god and donated the god's domain. Therefore, it is said that this year is the first year of the lunar calendar.