Wakamiya Shrine
若宮神社It was founded in the 5th year of Keian (1652) by Hatamoto Okubo Kanzaburo Tadayoshi, who was the lord of Toyota Village, and in the Edo period, the adjacent Zenseiji Temple served as a separate temple.
The statue of the god enshrined in the main shrine is a seated stone statue in a sash.
In front of the assembly hall is a komainu dog dedicated in the 9th year of Kansei (1797). This shrine has been revered as the guardian deity of children since ancient times.
Bonfires and amazake are served to welcome worshippers at the first pilgrimage, and it is held lively every year with the cooperation of the people of the Toyota Shoten Association and the Toyota Wakamiya Shinkokai.
At the time of the festival, a large number of children from the neighborhood gather at Yoimiya, and a votive children's sumo tournament is held in a special arena.
At the main shrine, a shrine is held, and at the Kagura Hall, a song is played and new music is danced for two days.
In addition, there is a Japanese drum performance in the evening, and in the evening, there is a Bon Odori competition (Yoimiya) and a karaoke tournament (Hongu), and it is crowded all day during the two days of the festival.